Monday, February 17, 2025

African Bank

Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?

Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies

Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?

Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies

Ghost Stories #23: Unpacking the African Bank Strategy (with CEO Kennedy Bungane)

After I wrote critically about the pricing of African Bank's acquisition of two Sasfin businesses, African Bank reached out with an incredibly mature request for engagement. This podcast is the result, unpacking their strategy with CEO Kennedy Bungane.

Ghost Bites (African Bank and Sasfin | Deneb | Renergen)

Sasfin seems to have scored the deal of a lifetime in a disposal of businesses to African Bank. Deneb has sold some properties. Renergen responded to Albie Cilliers, but not via SENS.

Ghost Bites (African Bank | Argent | Castleview | Emira | Newpark | Nictus | Renergen | Southern Palladium)

Aside from important news at Renergen, it was primarily a day for property groups and small caps. Look out for African Bank news as well.

Ghost Bites Vol 81 (22)

Huge Group has finally done a solid deal. Results came in from Woolworths, Discovery, Murray & Roberts, Trellidor, Aspen, Motus, Cashbuild, Mustek and more.

Ghost Bites Vol 78 (22)

There was some juicy M&A on Friday, with news of African Bank acquiring Ubank and Cognition Holdings selling Private Property at a huge valuation. Rebosis is in business rescue. Grindrod and Northam Platinum released results.

Ghost Bites Vol 54 (22)

Astoria Investments has sold Afrimat and bought Leatt Corporation, a South African company that has gone global. Ellies is losing money again. Grindrod has a new CEO.
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