Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Unlock the Stock: Equites Property Fund

Equites Property Fund joins Unlock the Stock for the first time. If you're interested in industrial property, this is a great discussion.

Unlock the Stock: Growthpoint

As the stalwart of the property sector, Growthpoint is always of interest to investors. With so much opportunity in this space after the pandemic, this was an excellent edition of Unlock the Stock.

A closer look at Vukile

Vukile Property Fund offers Spanish and South African exposure. The recent release of a debt raise roadshow presentation caught Ghost Grad Kreeti Panday's eye.

Hyprop: are masks the catalyst?

If the Eastern European portfolio is anything to go by, the end of masks in South Africa is bullish for retail property. It makes sense to me.

Emira: green shoots in office?

Emira holds a diversified portfolio of South African assets, along with retail assets in the US. There are some surprising numbers in here.

Unlock the Stock: Attacq and Capital Appreciation

In this edition of Unlock the Stock, the executives from Attacq and Capital Appreciation Group presented their businesses and answered questions.

Covid breached this Fortress

Fortress needs to solve its dual-share class problem. I watched the webinar by the company and highlighted the key issues in this article.

Putting your money in Stor-Age

Stor-Age has been a dependable place to put your money over the craziness of the pandemic and subsequent market sell-off. The latest results show why.

Growthpoint wants you to watch Top Gun

If you can't help with the Ster-Kinekor debtor, then Growthpoint would like you to rent some office space instead.

Sirius: why price / NAV matters

I warned throughout 2021 about Sirius' share price trading at a premium to NAV. This is the result of bad multiples happening to good people.

Attacq pre-close update

Attacq has released a pre-close update with information on debt, vacancies, trading density and property developments.
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