Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Omnia Holdings

Ghost Bites (Bytes Technology | Clientele | Discovery | Lighthouse Properties | Mustek | Powerfleet | Remgro)

Bytes, Clientele, Discovery and Mustek released numbers. Lighthouse raised R1 billion in equity in a matter of hours. Remgro is very hit and miss at the moment.

Ghost Bites (Aspen | Capital Appreciation | Grand Parade | ISA Holdings | Mustek)

It was a day for good news at Aspen and a mixed bag of updates in the technology sector, with the latest from Capital Appreciation, Mustek and ISA Holdings. Grand Parade swung into a profit.

Ghost Bites Vol 78 (22)

There was some juicy M&A on Friday, with news of African Bank acquiring Ubank and Cognition Holdings selling Private Property at a huge valuation. Rebosis is in business rescue. Grindrod and Northam Platinum released results.

Ghost Bites Vol 75 (22)

PSG Group finds itself in a battle with one dissenting shareholder. Sasol is finally paying dividends again, Merafe, Momentum Metropolitan, Bidvest, Cashbuild and others released numbers.

Ghost Bites Vol 51 (22)

Ascendis needs to release two circulars for one sale of business. Tongaat Hulett is suspended. Super Group performed strongly this year. Aveng has won a big contract in Tasmania. Of course, there's more!

Ghost Bites Vol 23 (22)

Sygnia's interim results gave great insights into investment flows in recent months. Sirius and Omnia have released updates too.
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