Monday, February 10, 2025

Competition law

Recent developments in Competition Law

Efforts to adopt and modernise competition regulation and foster greater cooperation for regional integration has led to a transformation of Africa’s competition law landscape.

Competition Law developments in Africa

Competition law is alive and well in Africa, and constantly developing. Doing business across the continent requires businesses to keep abreast of these developments.

No need for “poison pills”? Why hostile takeovers tend to fail in South Africa

The SA corporate landscape presents a potentially challenging terrain for the implementation of hostile takeovers, even in the absence of obstacles such as poison pill remedies

National security protections, procedural fairness and cartel enforcement highlighted as competition law trends

National security provisions are firmly in the sights of competition authorities internationally, but less so for competition regulators in Africa.

The increasing focus on public interest considerations in African competition policy

Doing business in Africa will necessitate awareness of the public interest mandates of competition authorities and how practices promote or impact public interest outcomes.

Competition law developments in Africa

2022 was another busy year for competition regulators across Africa.

Thorts: Navigating competition law compliance in dual distribution relationships

Dual distribution remains a complex issue where a vigilant approach to compliance is essential

Thorts: The rapid rise in competition law developments across Africa

The newly launched Africa Competition Report provides analysis and overview of recent developments in competition law enforcement and competition policy in 32 African jurisdictions
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